IMG Assessments

It is mandatory that all “IMG” HMOs have an end of term assessment completed for each rotation. The assessments are important and are allow your Principal Supervisor and Co supervisor to oversee your work performance.

You will be required to complete an HMO assessment after your first 4 weeks of clinical work and upload this to the Monash Doctors portal (see link below).

After your first three months of clinical work you will be required to prepare an AHPRA Work Performance Report and your Principal Supervisor and Co-supervisor will require all HMO assessments up to this date.

Can you ensure that all Assessments completed are signed by a Consultant.

If you are unable to obtain a Consultant to sign off the Assessment it is requested you clearly print your Registrars name and note this on the Assessment. Your Principal supervisor may decide to  contact the Registrar on your Assessment for further feedback

It is important you have all HMO assessments completed for all rotation regardless of the length of the rotation or night shifts. Some flexibility is given for cover shifts and short relieving rotations however it is requested as much as possible you complete the assessments.

In order to either renew your registration or apply for general registration, a further AHPRA Work Performance Report will be required and in order for your Principal and Co-supervisor to complete the AHPRA Work performance report, they will need to be able to peruse the assessments.

Click on the form below to download an HMO assessment form.


Click below to submit an IMG assessment.